El Trastero de Arien

lunes, febrero 25, 2008

Erasmus: Visita Familiar

Este fin de semana, y aprovechando que en "el cole" tenían la semana blanca, han venido a visitarme a Dinamarca mis padres, mi hermano, mi tía y mi prima. Aprovechando que venían hemos hecho un poquito de turismo, pero solo las cosas básicas como puede ser: Odense, Copenague, Aarhus y por supuesto Horsens (más que nada para ver dónde estoy viviendo).

El soldadito de plomo, un cuento de Hans Christian Andersen.

Con mi tato con las luces (a la izquierda de la imagen) de Tivoli

No puede faltar la foto con la Sirenita otra de las protagonistas de un cuento de Andersen.

En Aarhus descubrimos la plaza de los cerdos.

viernes, febrero 08, 2008

Erasmus: Viaje a Berlin

I have just arrived from Berlin. The capital of Germany. I have to say that is a really beautiful city where I have found more things that I expected.
Berlin has a terrible history. It has been destroyed with World War I and World War II, and also, is very known in the cold war and because of the Berlin's Wall.

As you can see in the photo there are a few pieces of the Wall in Berlin's streets. They are there as a remainder of what a tragedy was to have a city divided in two and with a lot of troubles passing for one part to another.
Berlin is also the city where I think the holocaust have the most importance. If you visit the "Jewish Museum" you can feel it. The first part you are going to learn true storys about what happend to a few of that people. But also you are going to found things about Jews that I didn't know.
In 1.945 after the World War II, 90% of Berlin was destroyed. And since then they have built vere nice places, for example the Postdamer platz.

The simbol of the city is the bear. And half of Berlin is with bears.

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